Category: Christianity

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#InstantBook: Il cristianesimo e i grandi educatori del ‘900, di Antonella Castelnuovo

Added by 4 years ago

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Vuoi acquistare il libro? Clicca qui! Antonella Castelnuovo già docente di Comunicazione Interculturale presso l’Università degli Studi di Siena, dove è stata referente per la Giornata della Memoria per l’Universit...

#ApiùVoci: “Fratelli Tutti”, di Papa Francesco I°

Added by 4 years ago

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#ApiùVoci è una rubrica, in cui studiose e studiosi con sguardi e formazioni diverse intervengono su un argomento proposto da Lech Lechà. Qui intervengono: Massimo Giuliani: ebraista Paola Cavallari: teologa ...

#InstantBook: Paola Cavallari presenta, “Non sono la costola di nessuno. Letture sul peccato di Eva”

Added by 4 years ago

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Vuoi acquistare il libro? Clicca qui! Paola Cavalleri è nata a Bologna nel 1950. Ha conseguito la laurea in Filosofia all’Università della sua città , con una tesi su "Associazioni libere in psicanalisi", con il pr...

#InstantBook: Guido Bianchini presenta, “L’inquietudine dell’Altro. Ebraismo e cristianesimo”

Added by 6 years ago

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Do you want to buy the book? Click here: Book. Guido Bianchini graduated in Philosophy at the University of Salerno. Scholar of the italian philosopher Vincenzo Vitiello, he deepened the Pauline thought and the que...

#InstantBook: “Strannik. Spiritualità del pellegrino russo”, di Maciej Bielawski.

Added by 7 years ago

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Maciej Bielawski was born in Poland and taught in several universities all around the world. He's a philosopher and theologian and an expert of mystical thought. He wrote more than 20 books in many languages. He's als...

“Letter from the world”, from Vatican City. By Mons. Franco Buzzi

Added by 8 years ago

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Mons. Franco Buzzi is the Prefect of Biblioteca Ambrosiana. He studied Theology and Philosophy in Milan, Rome and Munich. He is a recognized international expert of german thought from Luther to german Idealism. He re...

Jesus between Judaism and Christianity (EN)

Added by 9 years ago

2.34K Views0 Comments

Biography Miro Silvera was born in Aleppo in 1942, from a Jewish family. He is author of poetries, essaies and novels. In recent years, he published a novel on the figure of Jesus, Io Yeshua chiamato Gesù, which is...

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