Added by on November 9, 2013

Constantinos Macris is a Researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), in Paris (France). He specializes in ancient Greek philosophy and its relation to religion, from the Presocratics to the late Platonists. After a Doctoral dissertation on Iamblichus’ Pythagorean Way of Life (Paris 2004), he has published numerous articles and book chapters on Pythagoras and the Pythagorean tradition, focusing on their Neoplatonic reception. He is also the author of a commentary on Porphyry’s Life of Pythagoras (Athens 2001), of which an updated English transaltion is being prepared. Since 2004 he has been contributing regularly to the Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques (ed. R. Goulet, Paris: CNRS Editions). Forthcoming book: Under the Shadow of Pythagoras: Contributions to an ‘Archaeology’ of the Pythagorean Tradition (in French, 2014). He is currently directing a program entitled “Revisiting Monotheisms” at the Laboratoire d’études sur les monothéismes, and co-editing the Acts of an international research project on Ancient Mysticism: Greek, Jewish and Christian (Paris: Champion, 2013).


Le Pythagore des neplatonicien: recherches et commentaires sur Le mode de vie pythagoricien de Jamblique.

Leshommes divinset leurs dieux: le cas des cultesorientaux”», in C. Bonnet, S. Ribichini, D. Steuernagel (edd.) Religioni in contatto nel Mediterraneo antico: modalità di diffusione e processi di interferenza. Atti del 3o colloquio su ‘Le religioni orientali nel mondo greco e romano’, Loveno di Menaggio (Como), 26-28 maggio 2006 = revue Mediterranea. Quaderni Annuali dell’Istituto di Studi sulle Civiltà Italiche e del Mediterraneo Antico.

avec Penélopé Skarsouli, La sagesse et les pouvoirs du mystérieux τις du fragment 129 d’Empédocle, Revue de métaphysique et de morale“, 2012/3, n° 74, p. 357-377 (numéro spécial sur “Empédocle: les Dieux, le sacrifice et la grâce“, dirigé par A.-G. Wersinger).



Philosophy, Traditions

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