Added by on October 9, 2013


Sergio Della Pergola is an Italian-born Israeli professor and demographic expert, widely acknowledged as the leading authority in demography and statistics related to the Jewish population all over the world. Born into an Italian-Jewish family, Della Pergola made aliyah to Israel in 1966. He holds a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and is a professor of Population Studies at the Hebrew University’s Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry, where he has directed the Division of Jewish Demography and Statistics and holds the Shlomo Argov Chair in Israel-Diaspora Relations.


Israel and World Jewish Population: A Core-Periphery Perspective, in C. Goldscheider (ed.) Population and Social Change in Israel. Boulder, Westview Press, 1992, 39-63.
Modern Jewish Demography, in J.Wertheimer (ed.), The Modern Jewish Experience:  Reader’s Guide. New York, New York University Press, 1993, 275-290.
Demographic Changes in Israel in the Early 1990s, in Y. Kop (ed.), Israel Social Services, 1992-93 Jerusalem, The Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel, 1993, 57-115.

S. Della Pergola and M.L.Lévy, La démographie dans le conflit israélo-palestinien. Commentaire,104, 2003-2004, 941-951.

Israele e Palestina: la forza dei numeri. Il conflitto mediorientale fra demografia e politica, Il Mulino 2007.

Israele e Palestina: La demografia come identità, Aspenia, L’età delle nazioni, 44, 2009, 149-157. English version: Aspenia International, The Age of Nations, 2009, 43-44, 112-120. French version: Les Cahiers de l’Orient, Revue d’études et de reflection sur le monde arabe et musulman, 95, 2009, 59-69



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